The History Blog

I just discovered The History Blog and this blog has some extremely interesting, not to mention detailed information about the latest findings in history. They cover a wide range of topic and have everything categorized into organized files making every subject easily accessible.

Artifacts from the Scythian gold vessel


This blog created by Livius, was started in 2006 and has been continuously updated. Their latest blog was today, 5/28/2015. This blogged covered Scythian gold vessels containing opium and cannabis residue. While 2,400 year old gold artifacts, there is definitely something for ever history enthusiast on this site.




Livius enhanced their blogs with graphic images and videos to really bring history life. Which I personally enjoy because I can put an image with what I am reading.

The blog Le Brun’s Jabach Family restored and on display, was fascinating to learn about how they were able to restore and bring back to live this family in Le Brun’s painting.  Livius also included a video of the paintings unraveling, with descriptions of how the process was handle. To read more about this blog:

I sincerly encourage all history lovers to check out this site, they have something to adhere to all interest. It will be well worth your time to explore The History Blog.

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